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中国书法是古老的东方艺术。有人说书法是中国文化核心之核心。也有人说书法浓缩了中国文化。所以学习书法是了解中国文化的最好途径。本栏目里有中国书法家丁仕美先生的最新书法作品欣赏, 书法论文, 诗歌散文作品欣赏

Chinese Calligraphy Set & Seal

Brush | Ink Stick | Paper | Ink Slab Or Ink Stone | Seal 

What Chinese calligraphy supply do you need? To write Chinese characters, you need a brush, ink, paper and ink stone, commonly referred to as the four treasures of the study. In order to learn calligraphy, it is necessary to learn about these tools, select them carefully and take care of them. As the saying goes, one must temper the means to achieve the end. This is by virtue of necessity.

最后更新于: 2011-07-02 14:36


How to Hold Brush in Chinese Calligraphy?

Body posture - How to Hold Brush in Chinese Calligraphy?

To practice to write Chinese calligraphy, the way to hold the calligraphy brush is very important for the handwriting . This has much to do with the body's posture. You must hold the brush [ … ]

最后更新于: 2011-04-05 22:56

Essentials of Handwriting Technique in Chinese Calligraphy

丁仕美书法 楷书竖轴《老子道德经》第六十六章

Handwriting technique of Chinese Calligraphy in a broad sense includes the way to hold and use the brush to write characters. There are countless ways to wield the brush. I shall dw [ … ]

最后更新于: 2013-02-01 18:23


Eight Kinds of Brush Stroke in Chinese Calligraphy

Blessing in Chinese Calligraphy,Chinese symbol for blessing, Big Seal Script Calligrapher: Ding Shimei

To learn Chinese Calligraphy, it is vital that you learn to write the eight strokes before you learn to write Chinese characters. The strokes are the basic skill in writing. I shall attempt to exp [ … ]

最后更新于: 2011-07-06 06:02


Seven Sequential Steps In Writing Strokes of Calligraphy

In Chinese calligraphy Handwriting, There is a proper sequence in the writing of strokes, with seven steps in the sequence.

The sequence in writing strokes was developed after long experience in calligraphy. The proper sequence facilitates writing. There are, however, exceptions to the rule. In the character you may write the dot first or last. Both are right. Another example is the character . You write the dash, or horizontal stroke, first, but how should you write the strokes below the dash: and.

According to the rule, from left to right, proper sequence should be: .However, if you write like this: , it allows the blank sqace to be more evenly divided and looks more beautiful. In writing such characters you may be flexible. You don't have to follow the sequence of left stroke first, right stroke second.

Take another example: the character . In running script in perpendicular lines you write the left-falling stroke first, followed by the dash, or horizontal stroke. You then write . The order is as follows: .

When writing in horizontal lines, you write the dash, or horizontal stroke, first and add the left-falling stroke afterwards. The order is . Be practical. Facility comes first. You should follow the rules of sequence, but in doing so be flexible.

  • 1.Three parts from upper to lower
  • 2.Three parts from left to right 
  • 3.Three parts, first in the middle, then from left to right
  • 4.Horizontal stroke(s) first, perpendicular stroke later
  • 5.left-falling stroke first, right-falling stroke later
  • 6.Outside strokes first, inside strokes later
  • 7.Most of outside strokes first, then inside stroke(s), finally bottom stroke

最后更新于: 2011-07-15 05:52