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Back Calligraphy Calligraphy Gallery National Song of the Republic of China(Beiyang government), Big Seal Script Banner

National Song of the Republic of China(Beiyang government), Big Seal Script Banner

Qin Yun Song,  National Song of the Republic of China, Big Seal Script Banner Calligrapher: Ding Shimei

Qin Yun Song,  National Song of the Republic of China, Big Seal Script Banner

Calligrapher: Ding Shimei


Creation Year: Winter of 2007AD


Beautiful colorful rosy clouds, colored silk-like covered the sky. Radiance of the sun and the moon, ah, shine on the earth, day by day no end

he Beiyang government (Chinese: 北洋政府; pinyin: běiyáng zhèngfǔ) or warlord government collectively refers to a series of military regimes that ruled from Beijing from 1912 to 1928 at Zhongnanhai. 

It was internationally recognized as the legitimate Government of the Republic of China. The name comes from the Beiyang Army which dominated its politics with the rise of Yuan Shikai who was a general of the Qing government. 

Though Yuan's death fractured the army into competing factions, the government was always under the control of Beiyang generals with a "constitutional" or civilian facade. Whichever faction that controlled Beijing had the aura of legitimacy, diplomatic recognition, access to the customs revenue, and easier application to foreign loans.

Domestically, its legitimacy was challenged by Sun Yat-sen's Guangzhou based Kuomintang (KMT) government in 1917. Sun's successor, Chiang Kai-shek, led the Northern Expedition in 1926-28, wiped out the Beiyang warlords in Beijing and other warlords in Southern and Northern China, after the unification, international recognition was given to the Nanjing based KMT regime.


卿云烂兮,纠缦缦兮,日月光华,旦复旦兮 Qīng yún làn xī, jiū màn màn xī, rì yuè guānghuá, dàn fùdàn xī

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Last Updated on Friday, 08 July 2011 22:12