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Back Calligraphy Calligraphy Gallery Regular Script "tao te king" CHAPTER LVII

Regular Script "tao te king" CHAPTER LVII

Regular Script The Tao Teh King(Also: tao te king, tao teh ching,tao te ching, tao tse ching, dao de jing)

Regular Script "The Tao Teh King" (Also: tao te king, tao teh ching,tao te ching, tao tse ching, dao de jing) CHAPTER LVII


1. One may govern a state by restriction; weapons may be used with skill and cunning; but one acquireth true command only by freedom, given and taken.

2. How am I aware of this? By experience that to multiply restrictive laws in the kingdom impoverisheth the people; the use of machines causeth disorder in state and race alike. The more men use skill and cunning, the more machines there are; and the more laws there are, the more felons there are.

3. A wise man has said this: I will refrain from doing, and the people will act rightly of their own accord; I will love Silence, and the people will instinctively turn to perfection; I will take no measures, and the people will enjoy true wealth; I will restrain ambition, and the people will attain simplicity.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 20:26