Google in Chinese Calligraphy, 2011, Cursive Script
Size: 99cmX40cm
By Ding Shimei
Creation Year: 2011
Google has a Chinese name, and it’s 谷歌. Literally, the first character is “water through a ravine’s mouth” or “valley” while the second character means “song exhaled” or “to sing.” So in China, it seems like Google will be now known as the “Valley that Sings.”
More to the point, here’s the calligraphy they used for their new Chinese logo:
If you can read Chinese, here’s their announcement on the blog. What does this mean? That Google is working hard to specifically brand itself as a Chinese search engine, rather than just an international search engine that happens to have a presence in China. In this way, it will be able to capture more of the gigantic Asia market.
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